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Elevate Your Brand with Google Workspace
Go way beyond a polished email address that fits your domain name.
Business Starter
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Email that matches your domain
Maximize your web presence with two options: forward your domain name to a social media profile or create a free landing page. No website yet? No problem
Free Auto SSL Certificates
Docs, Sheets, Slides Collaborative content creation
Create an online form as easily as creating a document
Meet Video Conferencing with up to 100 participants
30 GB storage per user
Calendar Shared calendars
Business Gmail and team collaboration capabilities
Simplify 1 on 1 messaging and group collaboration
Manage Your DNS Records*
How and where you add, edit or delete your DNS records depends on where your DNS is hosted. This is determined by where your nameservers are pointing. There are three possible options for where you'll manage your DNS:
Your domain is registered with TrulyMake and is using our nameservers: you'll manage DNS settings in your TrulyMake account.
Your domain is
registered with TrulyMake, but
using our nameservers: you'll manage DNS settings in your TrulyMake account. This is usually the case if you're hosting a website with us.
Your domain is registered with any company, but is not using our nameservers: you won't manage DNS with us at all. You'll need to work with your DNS and/or website hosting company instead.
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